Colchester Fitness Centre was delighted to be working with Stanway Parish Council delivering FREE fitness classes to celebrate the installation of their new outdoor gym equipment at Silver Witch Green Recreation Ground.

Improving the Health & Wellbeing of Stanway’s Community

As part of the improvement works at the recreation ground, local Stanway residents are being encouraged to get active by exercising whilst enjoying an open air environment. The Parish Council sponsored the building of twelve separate workout stations with diverse equipment to focus on muscle development, core strength, aerobic activity, balance, and flexibility. As part of the initiative, our coaches held free-to-attend fitness sessions using these stations once a week.

Contributing to Overall Community Health

The health risks of physical inactivity are well-documented, and the last couple of years has seen the promotion of regular exercise becoming more of a public health priority. Coming from a bootcamp background, Colchester Fitness Centre has “Green Exercise” at its heart. The health benefits we get from exposure to nature, we also get from exercise; that includes improved blood flow, strength, flexibility, endurance, and overall cardiovascular health, as well as reduced stress levels, the release of endorphins, improved sleep, and increased attention span.

We’ve loved being involved in such a positive development in our area, and although Colchester Fitness Centre’s sessions have come to an end at Silver Witch Green, we’re delighted that the open air gym remains available to all.