For the last two years, CrossFit DireWolf’s Hallowe’en Shenanigans have been a real highlight in the gym’s calendar. As such, we had high hopes for 2023’s Night Of The Living Deadlift and Spooky Bake Off!

We all have so much to juggle and jostle to fit in work, family, and training, and it’s so cool to see members make an effort with costumes and cooking for this year’s Halloween Party. Dressing up and bringing in tasty treats really make for a wicked party.

CrossFit DireWolf Best Dressed Awards

Congratulations goes to Carman Joyce for being a winning Wednesday even though Halloween fell on a Tuesday on the 5pm class, and to Lordy, our resident Green Goddess, for her 6:30pm homage to that lovable-yet-troubled internet character, Salad Fingers. Props especially for roping Jamie King in too!

CFDW Spooky Bake Off Results

The coaches always thoroughly enjoy the power-trip that comes with judging entries, and seasoned participants will already be familiar with our scoring criteria. But for those new to the Bake Off: Points are awarded for type, taste, and texture, skill-execution, wow-factor, and RPE
The entries:

What better way to kick-off the 2023 Spooky Bake Off than with John & Becky Drake’s eagerly-anticipated Tiffin (bottom centre)?! A favourite every year, this delicious and not remotely scary entry was a judge-pleaser for sure. And although she may’ve been dressed for the macabre, Carman’s First Stab at Food Colouring (top right) was far from morbid. A vibrant lemon drizzle with a gruesome-green hue got the thumbs up from judges. “Is there nothing Coach Jodie can’t do?!” Seemingly not! Her Freaky Fingers (top left) escaping from a chocolatey-crypt were a hit with the crowd despite how gruesome those green digits looked!

Third Place

Lily’s Tricker Treatz (bottom left) were a savoury surprise of incy wiener-cy spiders with beady black eyes and curly sausagey legs – top points for creativity went to Lils.

Second Place

The silver spot this year was well-earned by Emma and her Gourd-geous Chizz’n’Bizz (bottom right). A soft cheese pumpkin and a pile of crackers on the side for dippin’.

First Place

2023’s Star Baker Award goes to Jamie for her Kooky Cookies (top centre). Glowing Smartie eyes and Oreo wings made for some delicious batty cupcakes that aaalmost didn’t make it from the driveway. RIP our squished, winged heroes!

A big thank you goes out, once again, to all our members for a fantastic Hallowe’en party, and for being willing taste-testers once they’d done with their wicked workouts!